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M21 (Front view, right side)


Front view, right side

Picture from Danish Army publication


Danish Army Specific: Received along with the M3A1 as a part of the MDAP in 1955. Superseded by the M113-family. Demobbed as late as 1979.
: 110 produced by the White Motor Co. First deliverance took place in January 1944. Based on the M3 chassis.
Length: 6.22 m (242 inches).
Width: 2.22 m (87 inches).
Height: 2.30 m (90 inches).
Weight: 8.325 kg (18.500 lb.).
: 6 - 13 mm (0.25 - 0.5 inches).
: 6-cylinder White Gasoline 160AX 6.326 cm3 (386 cubic inches) displacement, liquid cooled.
Horsepower: 147 at 3.000 rpm.
Transmission: 4-speed gearbox, type Spicer 3461.
Transfer case: 2 speed.
Electrical system: 12 volt, negative ground.
Brakes: Hydraulic with vacuum servo.
Tyres: 8.25 - 20.
Fording depth:
without preparation: 0.81 m (32 inches).
with deep water fording kit: N/A.
Fuel type: Petrol.
Fuel capacity: 260 liter (60 gallons).
Range: 336 km (210 miles).
Crew: 2 + 4.
Armament: 1 81 mm mortar M1 with 97 rounds, 1 cal. .50 machine-gun with 400 rounds.
Additional: 5 ton winch capacity. Max. speed 72 km/h.

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