In 1992 the Danish
Battalion in Croatia had a visit by UNPROFOR Force Commander General Satish
Nambiar. After the visit the general was escorted to the
military airport of Bihac, from where he flew back to the
UN HQ in
Sarajevo. Returning to the Danish camp the escort (2 Mercedes
GD Scout Cars)
were captured in a fight between Serbs and Muslims in the
city of Bosanska Krupa.
The soldiers had to take shelter in the local post office
during a shelling of the city. Luckily enough this meant
that they were able to phone back to the camp, and ask
for assistance. A rescue-party was gathered, and an APC
was dispatched to the scene in order to pick up the
personnel. Because of the heavy shelling the 2 GD´s were
left behind.
When the soldiers returned to get the vehicles, they had
been taken by a local serbian police force. After a
period of time where the cars had been spotted on several
occasions, the Danish forces gathered a new
"rescue-party" and "persuaded" the
Serbs to let the Danes repossess the vehicles.
After a period of time the vehicles were shipped back to
Denmark. One of the vehicles is exhibited at the
UN-museum in Froeslev in southern Jutland (shown below).
The whereabout of the second vehicle is not known.