The radio-relay truck was
made in 2 configurations; relay and terminal. The
relay-version had 2 FM 12/800 UHF radio´s from Siemens.
2 SM-17 masts and 3 Villiers 650 W generators were
carried in the trailer.
The terminal-version had 1 FM 12/800 UHF-radio, a 1 x 4
channel Siemens V4/12 and 1 x 6 channel Siemens FmWTT
240/6 multiplexer-equipment. The trailer carried 1 SM-17
mast and 2 Villiers generators.
The shelter was heated by a petrol driven
The shown vehicle was used by 2. (DA) Signal Battalion,
but both types were also used by 1. and 3. (DA) Signal
Battalion. Approximately 80 vehicles (both
configurations) were produced