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VW M247 Combi, 4 x 2, 12V (Front view, right side)


Front view, right side

Picture courtesy of Henrik Clausen, Copenhagen


Danish Army Specific: Introduced 1980. Both used in the field army for maintenance, telephone repair etc. and at the garrisons as all-purpose vehicle.
: N/A.
Length: 4.57 m (178 inches).
Width: 1.87 m (73 inches).
Height: 2.30 m (90 inches).
Weight: 2.350 kg (5.170 lb).
: Own 4-cylinder, 1913 cm3 (116 cubic inches).
Horsepower: 78 at 4.600 rpm.
Transmission: 4-speed.
Transfer case: None.
Electrical system: 12 volt, negative ground.
Brakes: N/A.
Tyres: N/A.
Fording depth:
without preparation: N/A.
with deep water fording kit: N/A.
Fuel type: Petrol.
Fuel capacity: 60 liters (13 gallons).
Range: 300 km (187 miles).
Crew: 1 + 4.
Additional: Also available with diesel-engine.

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Last update: 04. december 2002