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Bedford RL, 4 x 4, 12V (Front view, left side)


Front view, left side

Picture courtesy of Tom Lerche, Næstved


For active service in overseas areas some batches of Bedford R-type trucks were fitted with "mine cabs". In the mid 1960s a number of GS-trucks were thus equipped, followed by at batch of water bowsers in 1970/71. Altogether several hundred of these armoured half-cabs were produced by Wharton Engineers (Elstree) Ltd of Elstree.
The two-seat cab, made from mild steel, completely replaced the standard unit and afforded protection against mine attack. As far as possible, standard components and controls were retained and some protection from the elements was provided by a canvas canopy.
There were safety harnesses for both driver and passenger, to prevent them from being thrown out of the cab by mine blast. The vehicle was also fitted with special tropical equipment. Similar cabs were made ion later years for the Bedford M-type by Reynolds Boughton, who produced a variety of derivatives of Bedford trucks.
At least one was operated by the Danish UN-forces on Cyprus.

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